
Cute kids who live near us

Shamefully long since I have shared our cute kids!!!

Check out this cute video of the children of Hermano Pedro's in Antigua, being visited by very special kids of all ages


Hanging out at Amor Its a dog's life

Just some random pix of cute babies and cute kids feeding dogs...OK, the grandpa in me is coming out.

After enjoying these, you can see a really good photo blog by our friends at Athenikos, who are filming a documentary, but also took amazing still photos that chronicle the Doll Lady. She collects doll pieces found in the Guatemala City Dump, and washes them, and refits them into new dols, and sells them to families who cannot afford a "real" doll for their little girls.

no words...just Pix of Young Guatemalans visiting Amor

TTR at our house

Philipa, from Through the Roof, had a wonderful time with the tiniest of our crew.

Then she shared in song. Making me cry again when she came to the refrain.

Then played with our crazy crew

Friends from England Visited

Above you see the students of the Von Ahn Institute in Guatemala City. They are physically and mentally challenged young folks who are blessed to be studying in a great program that allows them to study through Jr High. They are very intense here, watching Phillipa, from Through the Roof, singing, and telling stories.

The song she sang was incredible. "Then I shall see him Face to Face" was the refrain sung by this beautiful young woman who was born without eyes.

She then told the story of the friends who lowered their paralysed friend through the roof to see Jesus. Modeling the teamwork in which "disabled" folk excel, the story is translated into Spanish by Rolando and is explained with simple objects by Julie.

Then one of the students gets to experience moving around while blindfolded.

We had a wonderful visit with Through the Roof, an organization dedicated to show God's Love to and through disabled people. Their team included a therapist, a social worker, and a blind young woman, as well as Tim, the coordinator. It was a good trip, but I thought I would share what their travel blog says....just to share with my friends who think it's only me who can't communicate, and keeps happy anyway:-)

After the first blog entry for the trip, saying they had arrived on August 4th. The next entry, on August 11 says this:

Communication between Guatemala and the UK proved difficult! This text has just come from Tim:
Safely arrived back home. Fantastic trip + excellent team. 500 trained. God was in all we did.


miscellaneous cute kid pix

We had a group from Brio magazine come and perform for us. This was a part of almost 500 young people and sponsors who came for about 10 days.

Followed by a drink break

Danny was serenading, not beating Adrian, with the flute.

Pizza party
Kids invading my office space